Monitoring and evaluation of Rio’s Olympic Villages

Data de início:


The IPC-IG conducted the M&E of the project’s baseline and midline targets. In 2019, the Centre delivered outputs related to the second phase of the project, which comprises a midline monitoring report for the 2016/2018 reference years for 19 Olympic Villages.


Nike, Inc. , Rio de Janeiro’s Municipal Subsecretariat of Sports and Leisure (SUBEL)


Latin America and the Caribbean


Pilar Principal

Knowledge Production

Área temática

Poverty Reduction Policies

Outras áreas temáticas

Social Protection

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being , SDG 4 - Quality Education

Resultados do Projeto

A report and a presentation

The report includes indicators measuring the progressive achievement of the targets. The team has also delivered presentations of the report’s main results to key partners, such as Nike’s Global Community Impact, SUBEL coordinators and representatives from the Olympic Villages.