Retirement Incentives and Couples’ Labour Supply Decisions

Autor: Bernardo Queiroz ,Laetícia Rodrigues de Souza
Área temática: Social Protection

Resumo:The Brazilian population has been showing signs of major changes in the past few decades. According to the United Nations, the average age of the population in Brazil is projected to be 47.5 years by 2050, compared to 19.2 years in 1950. The length of working life has fallen over time, due to both increases in educational attainment (thus fewer younger workers) and changes in retirement behaviour (fewer older workers). In addition, it is argued that the rules and regulations of the provision of social security benefits affect older workers’ retirement decisions (Wise, 2004). The combination of these three elements increases the concern for the sustainability of public social support programmes for elderly people. (…)

Palavras-chave:retirement incentives, couple's labour supply decisions
Data de publicação:
Tipo/Issue:One Pager/191

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