The Welfare Impacts of Changes in the Brazilian Domestic Work Market

Autor: Edson Paulo Domingues ,Kênia Barreiro de Souza

Resumo:Domestic work encompasses a series of activities such as cleaning, housekeeping, cooking, washing clothes and caring for children, elderly or disabled people and pets, among others. Although domestic workers may perform different types of activities, two features are common to all of them: the work is paid, and the work is done in a home other than that of the worker him/herself (ILO, 2011th; ILO, 2011ab). Because of these and other socio-economic characteristics, paid domestic workers are similar in a number of way, namely: i) predominance of female workers; ii) low wages; iii) the employer is an individual; iv) legislation does not follow the Consolidated Labour Laws (Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho – CLT)—in fact, such labour rights are mentioned as exceptions in the Federal Constitution (Constituição Federal – CF) itself; and v) there is a high degree of labour informality (ILO, 2011c; IBGE, 2012th). (…)

Palavras-chave:The Welfare Impacts of Changes in the Brazilian Domestic Work Market Date Publication: 11/08/2012 (All day)
Data de publicação:
Tipo/Issue:Working Paper/96

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