Resumo:Brazil recently launched a cross-ministerial programme—the Plano Nacional de Promoção das Cadeias de Produtos da Sociobiodiversidade (PNPSB)—to facilitate the ‘sustainable’ development of environmentally and socially sustainable productive chains for sociobiodiversity products. The programme framework for the PNPSB incorporates a strong focus on fostering productive inclusion (inclusão produtiva) which broadly entails creating conditions for the poor (extractivists, traditional communities and family farmers in this instance) to improve their productive capacities and strengthen their insertion in productive activities. In particular, it centres on how the institutional pillars of a productive-inclusion approach can be reinforced so as to enhance the benefits that such communities can receive from their integration into natural-resource-based production chains and the delivery of services (e.g. phytotherapies and phytocosmetics). With the view to identifying key channels of impact the paper also draws on the experiences of two earlier productive inclusion programmes: i.e. the Food Acquisition Programme (Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos, PAA) and the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (Programa Brasileiro de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel, PNPB). It seeks to identify ‘development functions’ best performed by public institutions and explores the concept of a ‘regulated market’ framework that is characteristic of these types of productive inclusion programmes.

Palavras-chave:Biodiversity, Local Communities, Brazil
Data de publicação:
Tipo/Issue:Working Paper/81

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