Resumo:In a recent One pager entitled “MDGs: Misunderstood Targets?”, Jan Vandemoortele seeks to correct a “common misunderstanding… in the conventional view on the MDGs”. He notes that “the MDGs are essentially an extrapolation of global trends of the 1970s and 1980s and projected forward till 2015… Thus, assessing whether progress is ‘on track’ for meeting the targets by 2015 can only be done at the global level… It is erroneous, for instance, to lament that sub-Saharan Africa will not meet the MDGs. These targets were not set specifically for that region.” The same applies, a fortiori, at the country level as well. This One pager argues that if Vandemoortele were right, the MDGs are not so much misunderstood as misconceived. (...)

Palavras-chave:Poverty, MDG
Data de publicação:
Tipo/Issue:One Pager/33

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