Policies for Rural Development: an Analysis Focusing on the North and Northeast Regions of Brazil

Autor: Izabelle Vieira ,Pedro Arruda ,Simone Battestin ,Wesley J. Silva ,Laetícia R. De Souza ,Sergei Soares ,Rovane Schwengber ,Áquila Estevão da Silva Campos

Resumo:"This One Pager synthesises the key findings of a study regarding the main programmes aimed at rural development and rural poverty reduction, most notably in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. The resources allocated by public social policies—welfare and labour benefits (retirement pensions, grants), cash transfers (Benefício de Prestação Continuada, Bolsa Família, Bolsa Verde)—and those targeting family farmers (PRONAF, Garantia Safra, Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) and Cisternas) add up to almost BRL350 billion a year, of which BRL140 billion targets rural areas and producers (which reflects the increased social importance of family farmers and the rural population as a whole). For methodological reasons, this budget does not include expenditures related to land reform, public health, education or infrastructure." (...)

Palavras-chave:policies, rural development, analysis, North and Northeast regions, Brazil
Data de publicação:
Tipo/Issue:One Pager/310