From income poverty to multidimensional poverty—an international comparison

Autor: Francesco Burchi ,Nicole Rippin ,Claudio E. Montenegro
Área temática: Poverty Reduction Policies

Resumo:"The first Sustainable Development Goal of the 2030 Agenda calls for ending 'poverty in all its forms everywhere', therefore recognising that poverty is more than just a lack of a sufficient income. Nevertheless, some scholars argue that an income-based measure of poverty is able to sufficiently capture poverty in other dimensions as well. This claim, however, has so far not been substantiated by any cross-country empirical evidence. Currently available international indicators of multidimensional poverty suffer from several weaknesses and cannot be directly compared with the existing monetary measures of poverty. This One Pager summarises the main findings of a broader study (Burchi, Rippin, and Montenegro 2018) on poverty measurement and analysis". (...)

Palavras-chave:Income, poverty, multidimensional, international, comparison
Data de publicação:
Tipo/Issue:One Pager/400

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