IPC-IG's Research Coordinator debates Brazil’s Continuous Cash Benefit and Inclusion Aid in a web conference




Rafael Osorio, Research Coordinator at the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), participated in a web conference to debate the weaknesses and consensus around the new Brazilian Federal Law (No. 14176/2021), which regulates the Continuous Cash Benefit and Inclusion Aid, aimed at guaranteeing a minimum income to people with disabilities and to elderly people who do not have the means to provide for themselves. The webinar was organised by the São Paulo Front Association of Municipal Public Social Assistance Officers (COEGEMAS-SP), in partnership with the São Paulo State Secretariat for Social Development (SEDS).  


This new law replaces the Organic Law of Social Assistance (LOAS), aiming at the effectiveness of the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) and Inclusion Aid. The law innovates by establishing that people with disabilities or elderly people over 65 years of age whose family income is a quarter or half of the minimum wage can receive the benefits. The law broadens the minimum income criteria to apply for the benefit and creates an inclusion aid to people with disabilities who manage to enter the job market. However, this depends on the commitment of the family budget to the applicant's expenses, and on the degree of disability or the degree of dependency of the elderly person.   


According to Osorio, "The changes are positive, because they seek to solve problems, (...) advancing in the regulation of the assistance. However, these measures are expansionist, implying a larger programme and budget". In addition, there is a lack of studies concerning the fiscal impact of these changes and of aspects that are difficult to implement, including a national registry, an analysis of total expenditures, and a regulatory framework. 


The event was broadcast through the State of São Paulo’s Social Development School (EDESP) YouTube channel and was mediated by Magali Basile, president of COEGEMAS-SP and Secretary of Social Assistance and Development of the municipality of Atibaia (SP).  


Watch the recording.   


Photo: Valter Campanato / Agência Brasil