The IPC-IG delivers final report to the United Nations Country Team of Bahrain

Photo: Leonid Andronov/Canva

The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) delivered the final report on the state of social protection in Bahrain to the local United Nations Country Team (UNCT).  

The goal of the report is to help enhance the UNCT’s analysis of the development challenges in Bahrain through the lens of social protection and its contributions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

The report takes stock of the social protection system in the country, analyses recent trends, achievements, and gaps, while also considering interlinkages with different development issues in the context of the SDGs.  

It also addresses the legal framework, national priorities, and national sustainable development indicators. In addition, it presents a snapshot of the current social protection system with an overview of available schemes and their coverage, such as cash benefits; unemployment aid; housing subsidies; food, electricity and water subsidies; labour market policies; and care services. 

This document has also contributed to the UN Common Country Analysis (CCA) and is meant to inform the next UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (SCF), through which the UN charts how it will contribute to help achieve the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030 and the SDGs. In addition to the support from the UN Resident Coordinator Office, the report benefitted from technical oversight and guidance by the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).  

Related news: 

IPC-IG works on a new project related to the state of social protection in Bahrain