The Single Registry as a tool for the coordination of social policies

Autor: Denise do Carmo Direito ,Natália Massaco Koga ,Elaine Cristina Lício ,Jeniffer Carla de Paula N. Chaves
Área temática: Social Protection

Resumo:"In recent years, the role of the Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais (the federal government's Single Registry for Social Programmes) has been strengthened as a tool for coordinating a wide range of public policies in Brazil. In fact, from its very inception, the Cadastro Único was to be used as a tool for identifying and classifying the socio-economic characteristics of low-income families. Its use was "mandatory in selecting beneficiaries and in integrating the social programmes put in place by the federal government for that specific target population". (…)"

Palavras-chave:Single Registry, tool, coordination, social policies
Data de publicação:
Tipo/Issue:One Pager/327

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