The concentration of income at the top in Brazil, 2006–2014

Author: Pedro Herculano Guimarães Ferreira de Souza ,Marcelo Medeiros
Thematic Area: Inclusive Growth

Abstract:"For most of the past decade, Brazil seemed to be on track to reduce its hitherto extreme level of income inequality. All survey estimates pointed in the same direction: the country was finally experiencing pro-poor growth. However, household surveys have some well-known limitations, especially when it comes to assessing the incomes of the rich. Consequently, data from personal income tax declarations are invaluable to assess the concentration of income at the top. Indeed, estimates based on publicly available income tax tabulations published over the past few years shed new light on the level and evolution of income inequality in Brazil". (...)

Keywords:concentration, income, top, Brazil, 2006, 2014
Publication Date:
Type/Issue:One Pager/370

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